Jacqueline’s Art Gallery

My name is Jacqueline. I like to draw flowers, trees, and eyes. I like to paint with watercolor because of the pretty colors. I have been working on an oil painting and did all the work myself, to see my process scroll down past my sketches. I was inspired to do this painting because I like to paint clouds and eyes. I also like it because it shows a girl’s mood that changes from happy to sad.

This is one of my sketches that represents life, love, and to live your life free.

This sketch is about a sunset by the ocean.

This is a girl that I drew just for practice.

This is a sketch of a flower.

This is a sketch of my painting.

Thsi is me sawing my wood.

Then I glued and stapled my canvas together.

This is what I used to paint my imprimatura with. It is made with thinner and burnt sienna paint.

Then I started painting the imprimatura.

Then I finished my imprimatura.

This is my final painting.